The youth of tomorrow?
ARE WE REALLY THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW? By: Palesa Chidi They say we are the leaders of tomorrow. they say we are the future, but are we really? i would like to believe so. They say we are ratchet and unbearable, but we are simply enjoying ourselves, YOLO right?.Whether by peer pressure, choice or influence we are always going to do what we feel is right. Generation Z, we are really not that bad. We know our capabilities and trust me we can work very well through and around them. we are also able to manage our time. Time management is good right? we might be going through a lot of obstacles like drugs, peer pressure, suicide and bullying to name few. Do I want to die? a question a lot of us ask ourselves. A lot of us do not have the answer. Maybe we just need a little bit of motivation. A lot of us do go to school and make sure we get the level of education which the society ...