Freedom day


By: Palesa Chidi

25 years of freedom, 25 years of democracy but are we really free?

This year we celebrate 25 years of democracy and freedom day on the 27th of April. 25 years of freedom, but do we really have this freedom?

I am a born free, I never got to experience the apartheid era. I guess you can call me the democratic child. Although I’ve never been through all that suppression, I have experienced a lot of captivity in the name of freedom and democracy.

According to the dictionary freedom is the power or right to act, speak and think as one likes. Do you agree with that? I certainly don’t. I am not free to say what I want, I am not free to act how I want and I am not free to think as I like. Maybe you are, maybe this freedom works in your favor.

I guess we have to forget everything and celebrate this day with joy and laughter. Just celebrating the name. Or are we celebrating our struggle heroes? Maybe we are.

On May 8 2019 it is the elections. A lot of reports have speculated that a lot of youth in South Africa have not registered to vote, I can’t say I’m surprised. But it is kind of funny how it is the youth that is not voting. Are we not the “leaders of tomorrow.”

Freedom day, on this day we celebrate the first annual elections that took place in 1994. It is a day of peace, unity and perseverance. We as a country should present a united front, well at least on this day. I saw nothing but division on the 27th, such sadness. Oh I was also at home relaxing and embracing division.

Growing up, I never really knew what freedom day is about. It was just a day where I just skipped school. Watched recaps of soapies and old freedom movies but never really understood.

I only started understanding the significance of this day when I decided to do history at school in 2015 when I was in grade 10.

Studying history made me realize that we are not entirely free. We still live under oppression. Our young graduates are not employed, affirmative action is ignored. Yes they say we are free but I do not see that.

The imbalances of gender still affects us as a whole. There are many policies that were initiated by the government to create equality for all, but still not practiced.

We might have freedom of expression, move free but oppression is still there. Skin color still separates us. I remember one day I applied for a bank card online, the assistant shouted at me when I was collecting it. He told me that online applications are for white kids.

Is this how freedom should be? Is this what we fought for? Maybe there should be another definition of this freedom.

Is this what we signed up for?



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